
We Help Families Create A Sensory Healthy Lifestyle

Start with our Sensory Health Quiz to see if you or your child are Sensory Healthy.

Get the Sensory Healthy Holiday Guide

Learn practical ways to reduce holiday stress and help the whole family enjoy the holidays.

What is a sensory healthy lifestyle?

We are sensing beings- we live by our senses.  Our senses inform us if we are comfortable, warm, cold, hungry, tired and more.  They help to create the picture of our lives.

Our sensory health is made up of how well we feel in our bodies, how we react to stressful situations and our mental and physical health.

A sensory healthy lifestyle is a way of living that matches our sensory needs- it's like having all of the right ingredients to cook your favorite recipe.

Adult Sensory Health Quiz

As parents, our sensory health impacts how we parent, how we act as partners and productive members of society.  Take our quick quiz to see your sensory health status.

Child Sensory Health Quiz

Take the quiz and see how sensory healthy your child is today.  This is the first step in understanding how to support a sensory healthy lifestyle for your family.

Join our next challenge

Each season we have a new sensory health challenge- join our Facebook group to get all the details.

About Your Senses

Our sense of touch is one of the first most developed senses.  It can communicate safety and a sense of calm.

Tactile - Touch Sense

80% of our information come from our vision.  We make decisions about safety, body position and movement based on our vision.

Visual - Seeing

Our sense of balance helps us move, stay upright and feel when we are moving and when we are stopped.

Vestibular - Balance

One of the lesser known senses, but one that helps us know where are body begins and ends.  This sense can also be calming or alerting.

Proprioceptive - Body Sense

Why Does Sensory Health Matter?

The way that we process information from our senses can contribute to stress responses or can be a tool for sensory regulation and calming feelings.  Long term stress has been linked to both physical and mental health issues.

Physical Health

Children who avoid sensory experiences are less likely to engage in physical activity which can be a risk factor for health conditions such as obesity and hypertension.

Mental Health

People who are more sensitive to sensations than others, have been shown to be at a higher risk for of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

What they say

Every person has a different sensory experience in life.  Our sensory patterns are unique and creating a sensory healthy lifestyle is like making a meal from recipe cards for each person.

Adults have sensory needs too!  Learning your own sensory preferences, styles and patterns can lead to great insight into why certain situations are stressful as well as finding what helps you feel happy and healthy.


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