
Join the Goat Pals Club: Where Friendship and Wellness Meet!

Experience the Magic: Unleash Joy, Learning, and Unforgettable Connections with the Goat Pals Club!

Are you ready to embark on a magical journey filled with laughter, learning, and the delightful company of our adorable therapy goats? Look no further than the enchanting world of the Goat Pals Club! Join us as we create unforgettable memories and foster invaluable connections between your family and our furry friends. 

Here's how to get started:

Start Here!

Discover a world where joy, learning, and unforgettable connections come together with the Goat Pals Club! Join our exclusive membership to embark on a magical journey filled with the heartwarming presence of our therapy goats. We promise to provide your family with a unique and enriching experience that fosters friendship, wellness, and the joy of playing with of our beloved therapy goats.

Discover the benefits

  • Unleash the Power of Friendship: At Goat Pals Club, we believe that friendship knows no bounds. Through our engaging activities and goat-centered adventures, your children will forge lifelong bonds with our therapy goats and fellow club members. Experience the joy of nurturing new friendships while surrounded by the gentle presence of our lovable goats.

  • Therapeutic Goat Groups: Our goats possess a unique ability to bring comfort and happiness to all who interact with them. As a Goat Pals Club member, your family will gain exclusive access to our therapeutic goat groups. Immerse yourself in the calming atmosphere as you embrace the healing power of these remarkable animals. Let their gentle demeanor and playful antics brighten your day.

  • Support a Worthy Cause: By becoming a Goat Pals Club member, you are not only providing your family with incredible experiences but also contributing to the well-being of our goats. The $20 monthly membership fee directly supports the costs associated with caring for our beloved goats, ensuring their comfort, health, and happiness. Join us in nurturing a compassionate environment where goats and humans thrive together.

  • Membership Perks

    1. Behind-the-Scenes Updates: Gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes updates and captivating stories about our therapy goats. From heartwarming anecdotes to educational insights, you'll be the first to know about the latest goat adventures and baby goat birthday milestones.
    2. Engaging Goat Art Projects: Unleash your child's creativity through our goat-inspired art projects. With step-by-step instructions and imaginative ideas, your little ones will explore their artistic talents while expressing their love for these wonderful creatures.
    3. Interactive In-Person Events: Once a month, you and your family will have the opportunity to join our exciting in-person goat groups. Experience the magic firsthand as you interact with the goats, participate in games, and share unforgettable moments with like-minded families.

    Join the Goat Pals Club today!

    For just $20 per month, you can open the doors to a world of joy, learning, and friendship. The Goat Pals Club membership fee not only grants you access to incredible experiences but also ensures the well-being of our therapy goats. It's a win-win for all!

    Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to create lasting memories with our furry pals. Click the link below to become a Goat Pals Club member and embark on a journey of laughter, therapy, and friendship today!

    About Me.

    Gina Taylor, OT HPCS is a New Jersey Licensed occupational therapist, wife and mom to three little ones.  She has been an animal and outdoors lover her whole life.  She is a hippotherapy clinical specialist and has experience in working with children of all ages to improve their health and well-being.  Gina is excited to share our therapy goats with the Hunterdon county community.

    Want to learn more?

    Don't miss out on the goat-tastic fun! Simply share your email address to receive more information about our membership designed for families like yours.